Accessories, price list and order for Schöndorfstrom device

Order via online form

The easiest way to reorder accessories is via our online form. Simply enter the desired quantities and the total price will be calculated automatically.

Order by mail or fax

Alternatively, you can also call up an order form, print it out and send it to us. You will find the corresponding form as a PDF document at the bottom of this page.

Online order

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We provide the order form as a fillable pdf document. For example, a Pdf document can be opened and filled out with Adobe Reader, which you can get here for free.

Clicking the button opens a new window with the order form in most browsers. You can also fill out this form on the screen. However, the quick view of most browsers for PDF files is not suitable for calculations. Therefore, save the form beforehand and open it with a PDF program such as Adobe Reader (see above).

If your browser does not have additional software to open Pdf documents, you will be offered to download the form directly.

Schöndorfstrom device order in online store with accessories

Do you also rely on the innovative Schöndorfstrom device from our online store for curative therapy or would you like to know more about the device and the therapy measures, please contact our online store. You can purchase the Schöndorfstrom device here and receive the device delivered to the practice within a few days.

Order Schöndorfstrom device

Alternative practitioners and other therapists have been working with various therapeutic approaches for years. For this purpose, they use various devices for current therapy. All previous devices cannot treat patients in the same way as the Schöndorfstrom device. Patients who had long been considered out of treatment were able to significantly improve their condition after therapy with the Schöndorf device.
You too can order a Schöndorfstrom device for your practice and give your patients a new therapy option to alleviate various complaints. Ordering from the Schöndorfstrom device is easy to do online. Simply enter your data in the order form. Then submit the online form for ordering the Schöndorfstrom device online.

Information about the Schöndorfstrom device

Are you interested in the Schöndorfstrom device and would like to receive information about treatments and potential areas of application? On our website we provide you with all the information you need. Use the menu navigation to access the individual departments on the website.
The Schöndorfstrom device from our online store enriches your practice and supports you during therapy measures. Find out on our website in which therapy areas the Schöndorfstrom device can be used. For questions or suggestions on areas of operation, contact us personally. We are always interested in exchanging ideas with our customers in order to further develop the Schöndorfstrom device and to provide you with the best possible service.

Buy Schöndorfstrom device

Our customers are absolutely convinced of the Schöndorfstrom device. A patented invention that came about through research and today strengthens the well-being of patients in therapies. You too can take advantage of the opportunity to buy a Schöndorfstrom device. In just a few minutes, you can order the Schöndorfstrom device online in the store, including the device warranty.
Do you already own the Schöndorfstrom device and want to buy accessories? In our online store we offer all accessories for the Schöndorfstrom device. Accessories include electrodes in various sizes for different areas of application on the body. Always order one extra to have an electrode in stock. Keep in mind that delivery is not the same day as ordering the accessories.

Safely buy Schöndorfstrom device

The Schöndorfstrom device is only suitable for medical and therapeutic purposes, which is why the device is only sent to groups of people authorized for this purpose. As soon as we have taken your order for the Schöndorfstrom device, the device including the invoice due will be sent to the address you have provided.
Shipments are possible in Germany and all EU countries. Please check beforehand what the current delivery costs are for domestic and international shipments. The invoice amount is due only after receipt of the Schöndorfstrom device.

We are glad that you order the Schöndorfstrom device in our online store!