Belly fat and gut health

Fat in the abdomen is not a good energy reserve. It is unnecessary weight, can damage intervertebral discs and joints, as well as trigger chronic diseases.

Saturation control

In the fat cells of a healthy abdomen, various signal substances or hormones are produced, such as the messenger substance leptin, which inhibits the feeling of hunger in the brain and is involved in the regulation of fat metabolism. As abdominal fat increases, the leptin content increases until it fails and becomes resistant. The body loses satiety control.

Strengthening the immune system

Leptin also has some influence on the immune system and plays a role in various cancers. Therefore, doctors warn against too much animal protein and fats.

Protection of blood vessels

Adiponectin is another messenger of fat cells. On the one hand, it inhibits inflammation, which protects blood vessels (e.g. coronary vessels), and on the other hand, it increases insulin sensitivity, which promotes energy burning. When there is too much belly fat, the adiponectin level drops and has just the opposite effect: it attacks the blood vessels, triggers inflammation and leads to high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis.

Dangerous: hormone poduction

Heavy abdominal fat also leads to the formation of cytokines, which also form inflammatory substances and can even trigger heart attacks, strokes and dementia.

The cytokine interleukin-6 is particularly dangerous. It damages the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas and becomes a trigger for diabetes (diabetes).

Promotion of the immune defense

The intestine is not only a digestive organ and mood maker, but also the largest immune organ.

About 77% of our defense cells work in the intestinal mucosa. They are supported by many trillions of digestive bacteria in the intestine. These not only promote food utilization, but also the immune cells’ defensive fight.

The largest collection of lymphatic channels is concentrated in the intestinal area. Approximately 200 lymph nodes handle the detoxification of digestive juices from food intake.

In the lymph nodes, white blood cells identify bacteria, viruses, cancer metastases as well as other pathogens and produce precisely matching antibodies so that the T-helper cells and T-killer cells can destroy these pathogens.

These correlations indicate how significant the abdominal-intestinal region is for our health. Problems should therefore always be eliminated as quickly as possible.

The method of Schöndorfstrom therapy is unique and offers a special application for intestinal and abdominal treatment. This abdominal treatment is also suitable for prevention.

Erhard Schöndorf – alternative practitioner & engineer
Treppenstr. 16b
66787 Wadgassen

Admin JaWeCo
Author: Admin JaWeCo